This page is a guide to all my work from fine art to filmmaking, scenic design to application wireframes. My portfolio is diverse in medium, but committed to creative and human-centered storytelling.
UX Design (Web)
Lifelong Skills & Training Inc (2023/24)
Content Strategy UX/UI Wordpress Gateway to NCAA (2024)
Front-EndUX/UI FigmaUser Testing
Content Strategy UX/UI Wordpress
Front-EndUX/UI FigmaUser Testing
UX Design (App)
UX/UI Axure RP User Testing
Theater Design
Scenic Design Branding Light Design
Vectorworks Scenic Design
Vectorworks Scenic Design
Graphic Design & Fine Art
Online Curating Sculpture
Curating Light Design Sculpture
Curating Book Design Painting
Filmmaking & Production Design
Cinematography Premiere-Pro
Production Design Prop Design
Thank you for being here!